Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Yo Noel and all that jazz!
May the days be bright and the nights be dark.
Keep the spirit in your heart, and pass the love on.
Where Wren Boudreau (m/m author) mutters and comments about, y'know, stuff.
Your book [Back To Normal] was great! Instead of doing my Christmas cards, I was plastered to the chair to read. I couldn’t put it down. I never thought I could read this genre but I find it fascinating and interesting. I’m still in awe over you being able to write so explicitly about it. I kept putting it down to walk away and get other things done, but I kept coming back to it with ‘just one more chapter’. Then it was over………….You really did a fabulous job on it. I read a lot, at least 3 or 4 books a week (because I do nothing else and have no life) and I truly enjoyed reading this. Congratulations, sis!
UPDATE YOUR BLOG, UPDATE YOUR BLOG, UPDATE YOUR BLOG, UPDATE YOUR BLOG, UPDATE YOUR BLOG! (In a chanting fashion).I was going to edit that letter a little bit, but I find in re-reading it that it's perfect the way it is. Tomorrow I will post about my son and his "crazy antics" so stay tuned. In the meantime:
I read this blog by my favorite m/m writer, Wren Boudreau, and she hasn't updated it since Veteran's Day. I feel like she probably has a lot of interesting things going on, what with the release of a new book a couple months ago and it being the holiday season. She could probably put up some pictures of dudes dressed like elves making out, or a naked guy with a conveniently placed candy cane. I also know that she has a son who has gotten into some crazy antics involving a cute young woman, a back room and a pulled oblique muscle. Maybe Wren's blogosphere would want to hear about that. I know that the girl part would probably turn them off, but her son is a pretty attractive guy with a 220lb bench press and lovely arms. I believe I also heard that she was writing a short story about gay werewolves. Maybe that is something her fans would want to hear about.
These are just things I think about....
Your #1 fan (who can't actually make it all through one of your books because he has to stop reading as soon as he gets to the sex scenes)